Get your kids creative in this Lockdown

How are your kids spending the lockdown time with you?
Virtual summer camps. workshops on zoom, online fitness classes, online classes have left them hating online learning - especially kids in the age group of 3 to 6yrs who look for more human interaction than virtual. The best thing I have done with my kids is to plan their activities a little in advance - give them lots of free-play and engage them in creative hobbies in this Lockdown.
Spending quality time with kids and also managing household chores and workfront seems to be daunting task for almost all the mothers in lockdown. Younger kids constantly need help and engagement, and older kids needs things to do to keep their creative side flowing. A bit of planning in their younger days will help every mom in the long run.
⦁ If the child is between the age group of 2 to 6yrs, read them a lot - may be a 3 to 4 stories in a day. This can happen in between your work-breaks.
⦁ Give them lots of tools to pretend play - kitchen tools, artificial food, superhero toys or dolls with their doll dresses! Check out for DIY Kit for kids on pretend play online, very reasonably priced ones are available.

⦁ Get them into whipping and tasting while they are making something with you - You can take help from baking DIY kits, chocolate DIY kit or Pancake DIY kit. I have seen a lot of food companies coming up with beautiful DIY KITS for kids.

⦁ Get them into Gardening - you don't have to have a big gardening space - Plenty of gardening DIY kit for kids are available on Amazon, the small pots for gardening with fully equipped KIT. I have seen DIY KITS both for fruits and flowers. Look out for something which is kid friendly - having cute shapes and designs which they can paint, plough and decorate

⦁ Leave them for messy play which involves kneading, digging their hands into - They love most of the sensory DIY KITS in the market.

⦁ Identify simple to use and follow instructions. Most of the times the instructions are so complex that parent's either give up in the middle of making the product and the parts goes into the garbage the next day!

⦁ Identify something which they can look after making and be proud of, which gives them a sense of achievement and a reason to be happy with. Kids love being involved in making something from scratch - be it whipping the cupcake batter, or knead the flour to make some clay, or make some beautiful decor which is a part of their home / room.
Do check out our collection of do it yourself kits for kids at or look for simple and reasonable KITS on Amazon. Plan a little in advance so your kids can have an amazing day with you and cherish the awesome childhood you have given them.

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